Hi, I’m Sarah Tomchesson.

I am a Certified Sex Educator and embodied pleasure coach, host of the queer, feminist podcast F*ck Yeah, co-founder of SEX+ Community and proud parent to a vivacious 9 year old. I firmly believe in the power of pleasure as a tool for connecting to your whole self, healing shame, and a grounding point for self care, self support and empowerment. My life changed forever when I discovered the power of embodied pleasure. The evolving journey I have had with pleasure as my guide has been profound and I am here to spread the gospel.

Pleasure has become a euphemism for sexual satisfaction and has, for many, become a “dirty” word.  I could write a thesis on the ways that sexual repression, inherited puritanical standards and cultural norms, have commingled to create stigma around the simple act of enjoyment. I have spent nearly two decades helping people overcome their roadblocks to experiencing sexual satisfaction and their negative beliefs about expressing their sexuality whole heartedly. I support clients connect to their sexual pleasure. My approach also integrates noticing, inviting and receiving pleasure in all of its forms, both sexual and nonsexual. My approach is not to “fix” you. It is the world’s orientation towards pleasure, slowing down, and self-empowerment (particularly for women, queer people, and people of color) that is the problem - not you. My approach is to orient you towards yourself, your desires, your needs, your particular blocks and from there empower you with the tools to connect more deeply with yourself, your loved ones, and your world!

In addition to my pleasure and sex education work I oversee brand marketing for the iconic Magic Wand brand, and am honored to sit on the Board of Directors as Vice Chair of SIECUS - Sex Ed for Social Change.

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